Tag Archives: chia

Free stuff!!!

Chia Giveaway 10:14
We are very excited to have some lovely chia goodies to give away to one of you lucky lot. Chia is my current favourite seed (sorry flax, it was good while it lasted) as it’s a great source or omega 3, protein and fibre and it makes my smoothies thicken tapioca stylee – what’s not to love? The chia company sent me these to review (which I will do shortly) to celebrate the fact that they’re now stocked at Tesco and Ocado. So no more foraging around your local health food shop – unless like me, you enjoy that kind of thing. If you would like to win this lot of chia and oats & chia products then just comment in the blog below. Simple. I briefly considered a poetry competition or maybe tap dancing but decided a good old fashioned prize draw would be fairest. Good luck and have a great weekend 🙂

Love is like a (nutri) bullet

Nothing makes me happier than finding songs that match how I feel, so please click HERE right now before you read any further and pretend that I was clever enough to make that music play as a soundtrack to this post.

Anyone who follows me on instagram or twitter will know that I splashed out on a nutribullet recently and have been blending up a storm all week. I did my first juice cleanse last week (blog post on this to follow over the next couple of weeks) and so this blender was working overtime and I was forced to branch out from my usual banana and nut milk based smoothies a little.

Here are two of my new favourites that I had recipe requests for on my facebook and on instagram page. Thank you Astrid, Mum, Gemma, Nutribullet & Roshi – these are just for YOU!

Cacao Mint Smoothie

Cacao Mint Smoothie

1 cup water

Handful of cashews (about 10)

4 dates (ideally fresh but dried will work just be sweeter)

1 tbsp chia seeds

1 tsp cacao

1 tsp maca

1 drop peppermint essence

Blend all the above and serve over ice. You could leave the peppermint out for a regular chocolate flavour. Or substitute with orange essence to give Terrys a run for their money.

Thai Cold Soup

Thai ‘Soup’

Juice from a young coconut (or coconut water OR a tin of coconut milk at a push)

1 cup water

1/2 red chilli chopped

1/2 tsp ground coriander

1/2 tsp ground cumin

Juice & zest of 1 lime

Big handful of coriander

Salt & pepper to taste

Blend till smooth – can eat immediately or chill before serving and garnish with more coriander and slices of lime.

Please do let me know how you get on if you try either of these 😀

Schools Out Smoothie

Smoothies are my second favourite breakfast in the world. Right there nestling in between no 1  – cheesecake and no 3 – pizza.

Basically I like to eat things for breakfast that you shouldn’t really have in the morning and chocolate milkshake fits that bill rather nicely, plus this one is good for you too. What’s not to love?


Take 200ml coconut milk, 1 teaspoon each of chia seeds, maca & cacao, 1 tablespoon each of almond butter & flax seed mix and blend with half a frozen banana.  I like to keep chopped up bananas in the freezer as they make the smoothie nice and thick and it also means I never have to chuck out over ripe bananas any more 🙂

Frozen Bananas

You can play around with the amounts (more banana if you want it thicker – none if you are avoiding fructose – just add extra seeds) and use different milks or nut butters – I often use hazlenut for a rocher feel.

Cacao has many health benefits that you can read about in this article. If you wanted to throw a handful of nibs in too, after reading this then go ahead I won’t judge you.

You don’t HAVE to play this track while you drink it, but it WILL make it taste better if you do.